• NooraElectric
  • NooraElectric
    We try to be the first choice of our customers
  • NooraElectric
  • NooraElectric
    Noora , manufacturer of electric wires and cables
  • NooraElectric
    Variety of wires and cables with the world standard
  • NooraElectric
    Variety of wire and cable products according to world standards

introduction of a company

Decent colleagues, our most valuable asset

Noora cable Pars, a wire and cable manufacturer, as a leading company, strives to play an effective role in the economic arena. The company operates in the form of national and international standards and moves towards branding and presence in global markets. Noora Electric strategy is important.

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Father Day in Noora Kabl Pars
Happy Yalda


Has a manufacturing license from national standard organizations, certification from Tavanir company and holder of ISO 9001: 2015 and CE standards

The company's products are produced in three categories: construction wires and cables, power cables, telecommunication and are offered to dear customers. ultrices non hendrerit vehicula leo, vel efficitur felis ultrices non.

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